
About Us

Health & Safety


The parent, legal guardian or another person authorized shall be notified immediately when a child has any sign or symptom that requires exclusion from the childcare facility, in accordance with state health guidelines. Learning Tree Childcare will ask the parents to consult with the child's health care provider and then notify us of any advice received from the health care provider. If your child shows one or more of the following symptoms of poor health, he/she should stay home or will be sent home as soon as possible:

  • Illness prevents child from participating comfortably in activities as determined by provider
  • Illness results in a greater need for care than the provider can provide without compromising the health and safety of the other children as determined by the provider
  • Suspicious rash that has not been seen by a doctor
  • Any colored discharge from the eyes, nose, or ears
  • Fever; accompanied by behavior changes or other signs or symptoms of illness until medical professional evaluation finds the child able to be included at the facility
  • Symptoms and signs of possible severe illness until medical evaluation find the child able to be included at the facility. Symptoms and signs include; lethargy that is more than expected tiredness; uncontrollable coughing; inexplicable irriatbility or persistent crying; difficulty breathing, wheezing, or orther unusual signs for the child
  • Diarrhea, defined by more watery stools, decreased form of stool that is not associated with changes of diet, and increased frequency of passing stool, that is not contained by the child's ability to use the toilet
  • Blood in stools not explained by dietary change, medication, or hard stools
  • Vomiting illness (two or more episodes of vomiting in the previous 24 hours) until voimiting resolves or until a health care provider determines that the cause of the vomiting is not contagious, and the child is not in danger of dehydration
  • Persistent abdominal pain (continues more than 2 hours) or intermittent pain associated with fever or other signs or symptoms
  • Mouth sores with drooling, unless a health care provider determines that the child is noninfectious
  • Head lice, from the end of the day until after the first treatment and no nits visible
  • Strep throat, until 24 hours after initial antibiotic treatment has been completed
  • Chicken pox, until all sores have dried and crusted (approximately 2 weeks)
***Please call the preschool ahead of time with questions on policy regarding any illness not listed. We also refer to the guidelines on exclusion related to illness that is provided by the NC Division of Child Development***


In the event that an injury occurs while at Learning Tree Daycare which requires medical attention, an incident report form must be completed by a staff member and signed by a parent/guardian. When the form is complete a copy will be forwarded to the childcare consultant at the Division of Child Development. The incident will also be logged into SmartCare.


Learning Tree Preschool does not administer medication unless for emergency intervention.

In this case the Permission to Administer Medication form must be completed with specific times and dosages. Any medication prescribed by a doctor must have a doctors' signature.

Sunscreen and diaper rash ointment may be used daily after a tropical permission slip is on file. When possible, please arrange to have your child receive medications at home (if the required doses/times can be met with a schedule that allows such).

Fire Drills/Playground Safety

Fire drills and playground safety checks are performed monthly. In case of fire, children will be taken out of the nearest door and away from the center.