KidsVision Daycare Cameras
Camera Technical Support
If you are ABLE to login to our secure daycare camera area, but need further technical assistance, you should contact KidsVision toll free at 1.888.Kids.Vsn (888.543.7876), submit a support request form, or email KidsVision at A KidsVision support technician will respond promptly to any technical support issues you have. Please note that KidsVision technicians can verify that your username has been approved, however, they cannot change your username, password, or alter the cameras you can view. You should contact a Learning Tree Fletcher Administrator if you need to reset your username, password, or change the rooms that you can access.
Username or Password Issues
If you have already completed and submitted your camera authorization form and turned it into Learning Tree of Fletcher, but you are unable to access the secure parent monitoring area of our website there could be an issue with your username or password. The KidsVision service will prompt you three times for the correct username and password combination. After the third attempt, a warning message will appear that you do not have access to this area. KidsVision technicians can verify that your username has been approved by Learning Tree administrators, however, they cannot change your username, password, or alter your room level permissions. You should contact a Learning Tree Administrator if you need to reset your username, password, or change the rooms that you can access.