Meals & Menu
At this time, all breakfast, lunch, and snacks are to be brought from home.
Infant Meals
Parents must provide all breastmilk or formula for infants. All bottles must be premade and labeled with the child's first and last name and the current day's date. Please make sure all bottles have lids and fully intact nipples.
We ask that any infants or one year old that are drinking from sippy cups, that each parent send 3 sippy cups each day. You will need to take these items home every day and wash them.
If you choose to send baby food for your child, we do have warmers to heat up lunches, if needed. Meals brought from home should include a variety of healthy items for you child; if you would like to review the nutritional guidlines set forth by the state, we will happily provide a copy of the meal Meal Guidelines for Children in Child Care document.